Case No. Four
A restorative dentist is preparing crowns on anterior teeth 6-11 in a young male with large pulp chambers and a history of difficulty getting numb. Orlacaine is applied to the apex of each tooth 6-11 with a cotton applicator, no injectable anesthesia or nitrous oxide analgesia is administered. A 5-minute wait time is observed…
Case No. Three
A periodontist is seeing a patient for an “All on X” implant procedure on 6 maxillary and 6 mandibular implants, where the upper and lower temporaries are being placed two days after surgery in the upper and lower jaws. The tissue is very sensitive and the sutures are still in place etc. Normally, the patient would have multiple injections of lidocaine or Articaine to accomplish screwing the temporary implant bridges to place…
Case No. Two
An implant surgeon is uncovering 8 implants dispersed evenly throughout in the maxillary arch. Orlacaine is placed with a Luer tip around each of the implant sites to be exposed…