Bennett Pharma’s Dental Product Line
Bennett Pharmaceuticals of America, LLC (“Bennett”) produces two major proprietary product lines and formulations it has developed and branded as “Orlicaine”and "STAT", as well as additional products from the current bulk and shortage lists.
Orlicaine and STAT are protected by formulation and method patents that will provide 20 years exclusivity. As a 503B outsourcing facility Bennett is the sole manufacturer of Orlicaine and STAT.
To request production for additional products, please email info@bennett-pharma.com
Orlicaine is a patented topical anesthetic that provides temporary relief of pain for the mucosal tissue. Orlicaine eliminates the need for an injection for many pediatric and dental procedures.
Tetracaine HCL; Bupivacaine HCL; Phenylephrine HCL
Efficacious anesthesia begins in seconds and continues to become more profound for up to 15 minutes. Most dental procedures can begin within 2-5 minutes, as determined by our dental team.
Duration ranges from 30 to 90 minutes.
Available upon request. Please email us.
9 months from production.
Orlicaine Gel
The Bennett Pharma Medical team and current customers purchase Orlicaine for Pediatric dentistry, Anesthetizing the Palate, Implant Uncovering Procedures, Frenectomies, and more.
Orlicaine can be prescribed to patients for care at home.
Pediatric Restorations
Pediatric Extractions
Implant Uncovering
ProceduresMucosal Anesthetic / Oral Wounds
Orlicaine Gel is the thickest viscosity that Orlicaine is currently produced. It is the best choice for anesthetizing a single location. Gel is available in Mint and Bubblegum.
10 ML Jar; approximately 20 max doses - over 100 pre-injection doses
Orlicaine Liquid
The Bennett Pharma Medical team and current customers purchase Orlicaine for SRP, Implant Procedures, and more.
Orlicaine can be prescribed to patients for care at home.
Pediatric Restorations
Pediatric Extractions
Implant Uncovering
ProceduresMucosal Anesthetic / Oral Wounds
Orlicaine Liquid is a thinner viscosity, making it easier to place in the sulcus and allowing greater coverage within the mouth. It is available in Mint.
12ML Bottle
Orlicaine spray
The Bennett Pharma Medical team and current customers purchase Orlicaine for post implant procedure pain relief, pain relief associated with dental or medical procedures within the mouth, sore throats, oral sores, and more.
Orlicaine can be prescribed to patients for care at home.
Orlicaine Spray is a non-opioid option that provides pain relief for mucosal tissue.
5 ML Bottle
Maxillary Mist is a patented anesthetic that creates pulpal
anesthestia of teeth 3-14. It is used by clinicians to achieve an
ASA/MSA block and by ENT clinicians to anesthetize the nasal
cavity. -
Tetracaine HCL; Bupivacaine HCL; Oxymetazoline HCl
Anesthesia of the Nasal Cavity,
ASA/MSA Block - Pupal Anesthesia of the Maxillary Arch Teeth 3-14, ED -
Efficacious anesthesia begins in seconds and continues to become more profound for up to 15 minutes. Most dental procedures can begin within 2-5 minutes, as determined by our dental team.
Duration ranges from 30 to 90 minutes.
Available upon request. Please email us.
9 months from production.
5 ml bottle with 50 sprays