Privacy Policy

Bennett Pharmaceuticals of America understands the importance of privacy and security.  Accordingly, we protect your personal information with the highest standards of safety, security, and confidentiality.  This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect about you, how we use that information, and the choices you have regarding that information. 

We do not collect personal information without your knowledge.  By using this website, you accept the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy.  In order to ship products to you, we need to collect information about you and your practice, including, without limitation, your name, billing address, shipping address, electronic mailing address, phone number, and a credit card, or other payment information.  We are required by law to collect some of this information before we fill your medication orders.  We use this information to, among other things, confirm our ability to fill your orders for certain medications and to send you order confirmations. We may use your contact information to, among other things, contact you with questions about your orders, to update your account information (for example, credit card numbers, license numbers, and other similar account-related details that can change from time to time), to ensure your satisfaction with our products and services, and to advise you of our new product offerings, promotions, and general updates about Bennett Pharmaceuticals of America or its affiliates.  If you wish to stop receiving electronic mailings, phone calls, or other communications from us, please contact us at  We do not sell or rent your information to third parties.

We do not require you to use of cookies in order to use or access our website.  You may disable the use of cookies by simply turning off the “accept cookies” portion of your Internet browsing software.

Each time you visit our website, information is collected to help us improve your user experience.  We collect Internet Protocol addresses and the types of browsers visitors of our website use.  We also count, track, and aggregate visitors’ activities into our analysis of general traffic flows on our website.  All of this information is used for internal purposes only and not collected for or on behalf of, or sold or rented to, any third-party.